        Torcross Road & Grassmere Drive, Freeport, Grand Bahama, Bahamas

                                    Phone: 1242-602-0964  

       On behalf of the Officers and Members of the Shiloh   Seventh-day Adventist   Church, I welcome you to our  website and thank you for visiting.  As you  visit our website and become engaged in the ministries which we offer, I pray  that you will be inspired to a closer walk with the Lord Jesus Christ.  If you are ever visiting the island   of Grand Bahama, I invite you to be  our guest at the church where Jesus Christ is Lord, and because of that  everybody is somebody.  God Bless You!

    Worship Services


    Sabbath School (Adult & Children)      9:15 a.m  - 10:50 a.m
    Divine Worship                                 11:00 a.m - 1:00 p.m
    Bible Class                                       4:00 p.m  - 5:00 p.m
    Adventist Youth Program                   6:00 p.m - Set of Sun


    Prayer Meeting                                  7:00 p.m  - 8:00 p.m

    Services We Offer 

    Adventure Club ( age 5-9 )  Every Sunday 3 p.m - 4:30 p.m
    Pathfinder Club ( age 10 + )  Every Sunday 3 p.m - 4:30 p.m
    Baby Dedication  - Contact Louise Cooper, Church Clerk
    Marriage & Familty Counseling  ( Justice of the Peace) Contact Pastor E. Brian Tinker
    Community Services -  Food Pantry, Clothing, Other Needs;  Contact Lousie Cooper